Some things I learned about Jekyll and Liquid

I’ve been working on a site recently for an open-source project, which is hosted using GitHub pages.

I struggled a fair amound with conditionals, and this is what I learned:

  • Liquid doesn’t accept double-quotes for conditionals. You need to use single quotes.
  • There needs to be a space between the comparison operator and the terms on either side. You can’t run them together without a space.
  • You can use any YAML front-matter value, even custom values. For example, I used category: docs for pages that are documentation pages. I can access this later with page.category.

An example of all of this:

{% for page in site.pages %}
{% if page.category == 'docs' %} ... do something .. {% endif %}
{% endfor %}

The above works. What wouldn’t work:

// Need a space before and after operator.
{% if page.category=='docs' %}

// Double quotes are not supported; use single quotes.
{% if page.category == "docs" %}

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